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Sitting with Myself

  The onset of the pandemic was a havoc- not just on the routine, the physical aspects of life, but also the mental realm. The work from home, being in constant proximity of the family – everything was so different. On one hand, I was grateful that I had a job, I had a house and a family to be with. On the other hand, the chaos that arose from the upheaval of the routine; the so-called normal life was unsettling. Now that it is more than a year with life inside the four walls and in front of the laptop, the unsettled part of life still stirs, but no longer causes chaos in me. Just as I was coming to terms with these thoughts, I heard a question from someone– Are you comfortable with this new way – there are so many things that are actually useful – not needing to travel, not really running around following strict time schedules “to reach somewhere”, not necessarily talking to people just because you have to? The question made me think more about the feeling of “settling” that I had
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“My list” of Conscious Efforts

  A few weeks back, my constantly over analyzing brain was trying to understand a puzzle. Why is it, that many of us have a lot of good connects and relationships, but we aren’t successful in nurturing them in a healthy peaceful way. Especially with our near and dear ones – family and friends included. For example, a particular bond - that connected instantly, bloomed naturally, just suddenly stops thriving; and at times, appears like a dead twig. Of course, this doesn’t happen all the time and with everybody. But lately, I have been observing a surge in these instances. After looking at loads of thoughts and threads in my mind, it occurred to me that we tend to glide through so many close relationships with a lot of actions and efforts. But we do not even realize it - when we are in the process. There are many subtle things we do unconsciously; the sailing is super smooth. However, because we have been doing certain things for the other person or the relationship intuitively,

Four Things by Forty

I have always been a deep thinker (read overthinker). With all the thought webs in the brain, I have been very positively hopeful that my 40th birthday will clear all the webs and as a bonus, I will have loads of “enlightenment” to share with the masses. LOL. And therefore, I awaited my 40th birthday with a lot of excitement and anxiousness. And boom – the birthday came and went by – and nothing downloaded from the sky :D. No insight, no enlightenment- ZERO!  Nevertheless, the restless me; with the thought webs still intact, decided to go ahead and jot down my four golden rules that I have always lived by or found on my way. We all do have loads of rules and theories, but I picked my top four here. Of course, I love to share it with whomever might read and benefit or not benefit. Agree with me or have a difference of opinion – that’s all ok, and welcome. So let me begin.   The #1 on my list is “Go with the flow.” This is something that came naturally to me. I don’t really remember h

The Man and Woman Verse

It's some poetry this time!  

The Taking For Granted Syndrome

New years usually begin with taking a look back, and making new plans. This year too, began with yet another look at the year bygone and a recycled list of new year resolutions. My list is a recycled one cause there is a pre-existing list of un-fulfilled resolutions from the previous years; with a few that I added this year😛 (I don’t actually write down the list, it is just a mental note). Resolution or no resolution, there’s one activity that is almost an ongoing thing for me - the reflection activity …throughout the year, probably gets stronger during the initial days when a new year begins. Through out the reflection there is one strong thought/observation that refused to leave my mind. The one about what I call the “Taking for Granted Syndrome” ( TGS ). I assume the name gives away the meaning intended, but let’s talk more. The corollary to the syndrome is a “lack of gratitude”. Very obvious and very omnipresent too. Sad, but true. We all, including me, have always been told

The Transforming ME

I have noticed it for a year now. But more so this  year-  the surprises in store-  the “growing me” – me as a parent and as a person. It started with an obvious reason. There are phases of change that my daughter has been (and is) going through. The “typical” teenager transformation you know! My cute little caterpillar is turning in to a  butterfly-  a beautiful  one-  about to fly with her colorful wings. Well that’s a wonderful (and expected) thing for her, but what’s with  the transformation with  me? I ain’t no teenager with changing hormones!! Are her hormones controlling my hormones? Is her transformation transforming me? May be it is; may be not! For me, one big change that transpired is in the way I think, interact and communicate with others. Each time I communicate with her or others, I now re-think whether my communication  is received  the way I “intend” it  to be ?! I now try to add more clarity by re-framing my communication before I finally send it out (